Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Month of Thanks

So here it is.
The month of November.
A lot of big things are happening this month.

My husband is celebrating his 24th birthday.

Some dear friends of ours just so happen to be getting married this month.

Thanksgiving is this month, which means a couple of things:

      {1} Lots and lots of family//friend time!
      {2} Piles of delicious food [[most of it containing some form of pumpkin. YUM!]]
      {3} A new series of blog posts from yours truly. Each week will contain a smattering of things I've been thankful for recently. I would encourage you to also spend some time each week in thought. Think about what you're thankful for, how God has blessed you over the last week, month, or even year. Also, it would be great if you would come back here to share with me and others what you've been thanking God for.

It will just be one giant thankfulness fest! We'll join together and thank God for what he has been doing in our lives. It'll be great.

So! Let's get this wagon rolling, shall we? This week, I'll start with the big picture stuff.

For Example:

{1} My husband. Joshua. This man. I tell ya what. We are most of the way through our third year of marriage [[can you believe it??]] and we are still just as in love as the day we met. [[Actually...bad example because we despised each other when we met...but that's a story for another day!]] Anyway, we're still very much in love and he is continually surprising me with his love. Some days I feel so unlovable, but he loves me anyway. Unconditional love, people. There is no greater blessing.

{2} I have a great family. A great big, giant, supportive ball of family. They bless my socks off. Seriously. They are there for me [[and the husband]] when we're going through rough patches. They push me to use my skills for God's glory and not my own. They are hilarious, people. You should meet them some time. For reals.

{3} I have a place to call home. I don't mean our actual house [[although I am quite thankful for it...]] but instead the town that we now call home, Bloomington-Normal [[a.k.a. BloNo for those of you that are "hip..."]] This town has so many things to offer! [[I will be doing a post soon about an awesome new food experience I was recently introduced to. Be on the'll blow your mind!]] Aside from the great restaurants and culture and thrift stores and gift shops and everything, this town has one thing that we won't find anywhere else. Our family at Jacob's Well. Sure, in the future, when we move on, we'll find other churches with other families, but I doubt that any of them will feel quite as much like home as the Jake. God has blessed us with friends upon friends [[most of whom have actually become more like brothers and sisters than friends!]] and I can't even begin to tell you what a blessing they have been. For a small taste of how they have helped us, check out my posts here and here.

So there you have it. The first three things in a long list of things that I am quite thankful for. Don't forget to think about your own list and also  to come on back here to share it with the rest of us!

Happy November!