Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Importance of Community

This morning, as I sit here reflecting, I am struck by the word "community." It has been coming up in a lot of blogs that I've been reading lately, and it's also been a major theme of these past couple of weeks. If you take a look at my life, it's pretty atypical for someone my age. [[At the area where I live.]] By that I mean, I'm in my early 20's, I'm married & don't have kids, I'm not in college, and I don't work outside of the home.

These factors have contributed to a sense of loneliness. I have had some trouble finding women who are in my shoes. Who can relate to me and not ask "So what do you do all day?" [[That question is one of my biggest pet peeves, btw.]] However, recently, God has blessed me with some amazing interactions. No, they haven't exactly been in the same boat as me, but nevertheless, I got out of the house and was speaking with someone besides myself! [[That's a huge step for me!]]

Last week, I was invited out to my friend Abigail's house. I felt so blessed and excited because she is super cool and a great mama and I just wanted to see her in action. =] We had a great time because:
{1} I got out of the house
{2} There was adult conversation for both of us
{3} She is just a lot of fun to be around

I also got to go out to breakfast with my mentor, Suzi. Time with her is always so special for me because we can just be real with each other without fear of judgement on either side. I truly feel blessed by the talks we have and always feel encouraged after we part.

Josh had a business trip to Madison and I decided that I wanted to go with him. [[Again...the whole "getting out of the house" thing.]] Usually, I wouldn't care to go on a 24 hour trip, but there is someone special in Madison. My friend Beky has been living up there for the summer and I just couldn't miss the opportunity to get to see her! It was fantastic just to get to catch up with her, hear about her summer, and have some amazing and deep talks. I've missed having those with her because she has such a neat perspective on life.

Having all of these meet ups with three very different but equally amazing women has really taught me something. I may be a homemaker, but that does not mean that I need to be at home 24/7. It is important for me to get out of the house [[if only once a week]] and get together with a friend. Cultivating friendships is so important for community and for Josh's sanity. [[After a long day at work, the last thing he wants is a gabby wife...]]

Are you a homemaker or stay at home mama? Do you also struggle with getting out of the house? If so, I challenge you to make a goal of getting out of the house at least once a week to meet up with a friend for coffee, lunch, shopping, anything! Just get out of the house for conversation. You'll be amazed at the change you [[and others]] see in yourself. [[Josh told me that I'm "much happier when I have a full schedule!" Oh, that man...]]


  1. “Many people are good at talking about what they are doing, but in fact do little. Others do a lot but don't talk about it; they are the ones who make a community live.” ― Jean Vanier, Community And Growth

    I totally agree and have been bummed for a long while about how soo many people wrap their worth and value up in that simple yet dangerous word, "do". I recently read, "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" and found it very helpful in finding the middle grounds where work and worship are balanced in our lives. Hosea 6:6 and Matt 9:13 says He desires mercy, not sacrifices. I interpret that to me he wants our hearts firstmore and our actions will flow out of that love for Him naturally.

    Thanks for the encouragement Sis ~ yet another beautiful post Jessi!

  2. Hey Jessi, I saw your mom today and she suggested I share this website with you: I love peeking at "Waiting Children" and following the families listed under "Sponsor A Family". Believe Ukr*ine, where many of these children are located allows one to adopt at age 21, but U.S. immigration requires at least one of the parents to be age 25. I can tell you more about how to know what country the kids are in if you're interested. Blessings, Julie

    1. Hey there!
      Thank you so much for sharing! I checked out the site a little but will make sure to look at it a little more, when I have a bit more time. I'm actually slightly frustrated with the "you must be age 25 to adopt." You can be a foster parent at 21 and I think that takes just as much responsibility as adopting. The minimum age requirement is actually the main reason we looked into foster care. We thought that it would be something we could do in the meantime until we turn 25. [[Which, thankfully, is only in about a year...we just really want to adopt! haha]]

      But thank you again for sending me the information! And if you could email me the information on how to know what country they're coming from, that would be great!

