Welcome to the year 2013, friends!
I hope that you have spent some time recently thinking over what you want for yourself and your family in the new year.
I have come up with a short list of some goals that I aim to achieve.
{1} I would like to read 20 books. I've always been a reader, but just haven't been making the time for it lately. I want to get back to my list of books to read [[I have read 11 out of 100, so I have quite a ways to go...]]
{2} I want to sponsor at least one blogger this year. I love what I do here and really want to bless someone else who is trying to make a living through opening up and sharing their lives with the world.
{3} I want to be more available for friends and family. Since I am a homemaker, my time is my own. I want to open up more time in my schedule for friends and family.
{4} I would like to start learning Mandarin. I've made several half-hearted attempts to learn this language, but I would like to go all in and really start to pick it up. Even if I make slow progress, at least it is still forward motion!
{5} I really want to become more organized! I would like to keep a better house. Our house is generally clean, but I wish that I were more consistent. There are sometimes weeks where you can't even see the kitchen counter...I have found in the past that scheduling out my cleaning really helps, so I hope to get better at following and keeping that schedule.
If you haven't dreamt up any goals for yourself yet, it's never too late to get started! I recommend that you think of at least one thing you would like to work towards this year.
Much love & a blessed new year!