Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Month of Thanks: Week Two

Last week I started a month long series I've decided to call A Month of Thanks.

In continuing this series, here is this week's list of things I'm thankful for.

{1} The gift of music. I love music. I love listening to it, playing it, dancing to it [[not in public...usually while doing chores!]] It makes everyday tasks suddenly not so every day. It is the way my heart worships. Usually, if I can't find the words to say to God to express what I'm feeling, there is a song. And if not, then there are melodies that arise that speak to/through me. I am just so thankful for music and how it has influenced my life. A few bands/artists that I'm really into lately are:

               - Jenny & Tyler
               - Brian Crain
               - Sufjan Stevens
               - Elenowen
               - Flatt & Scruggs
               - Josh Garrels
               - Punch Brothers
               - Simon & Garfunkel
               - The Walla Recovery

If you haven't heard of any of these, I highly recommend going right this instant and checking them out. [[here's a tip, a lot of them are available on Noisetrade. may find some other fun, new artists that you like while you're there.]] What are some of your favorite artists these days?

{2} I'm thankful for books. All books! [[Well...not all books. I'm not thankful for the kinds of books that are filled with negative imagery and that fill your mind with filth. You know the kind.]] However, I am always looking for a good story. Fiction, non-fiction, action/adventure, sci-fi, almost any genre. If it is a good story, count me in. Though I've always been a reader, I've only come to appreciate the beauty of the written word as of late. To be transported to a completely new world through the magic of words. I love it. There are so many things that we can learn from books. Not only can you learn life lessons or learn about the life of someone great [[or not so great, as the case may be.]], you will probably gain a larger vocabulary! [[I guess it depends on what you're reading. If you're my age and reading Captain Underpants, I would maybe stop and reevaluate it...]] What are your favorite books? I mean, all time, could read them a million times and they'd never get old, favorites. I honestly have to think on that question myself a bit. =]

{3} Creativity. Today, I've written about music and books, and they both fall under one category. They reside in the realm of the creative. But creativity can be so much more! I think often people put it into a box and say "if you can draw a decent picture, you're creative," or "if you can play an instrument, you're creative." But creativity can go so far beyond that! My husband, at work, came up with a new software that can be used by actuaries. THAT'S CREATIVE! Some people can look at someone's face and know exactly what colors and styles of makeup to use. THAT'S CREATIVE! You guys...there are so many different types of creativity, sometimes, you just need to think outside the box to recognize it. Today, I challenge you to change the way you see creativity. Think of ways that you can appreciate it that don't simply revolve around "the arts."

So there is this week's list, what are the things you're thankful for this week?

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