The other question was "Are there idols in your life that need to be replaced? What is He jealous for?" I decided that I have made an idol out of "self." Self-reliance, self-importance. Everything is about me and what I can do. But I realized that I can't. I can't do anything. I can't say yes to everything that is asked of me. I can't try to run a home, a business, and be there any and every time someone needs something from me. I can't make myself become a mother. I'm not in control of that. None of these things are in my power, yet I still act as if they are. Philippians 4:13 is for more than just running a marathon, folks. I need Christ's strength, daily and in all things. With God's help, I can do these things. It's just being brave enough to admit that I am not strong enough to do things by my power alone.
Here is a beautiful song by one of my favorite musical duos, Jenny & Tyler. It's called "Abide" and I think speaks perfectly about what I've been learning.
You strive, o man, and
you strive again, your heart too proud to rest
You labor on, singing
those songs, to cover your weakness
Do you fail to recall who
you really are and Who caused you to be?
Return o man; return and
rest, to a burden light and yoke easy
Abide in your Savior
Abide in His love
The labor of God is to
trust in the Son
All you you forget,
as if by your own strength
you earned it? No. He
gave you all, everything you have.
Your righteousness, your
life, your breath, your daily bread and wine,
His blood, His flesh, His
love, His death, Your faith and endless life
Abide in your Savior
Abide in His love
The labor of God is to
trust in the Son
Open up your doors
O my heart and soul
Open up your doors
Let the King come in
Let the King come in
Abide in me Savior
Abide in me Love
And daily I'll take my
cross, follow after you Lord
Abide in me Savior
Abide in me Love
The labor of God is to
p.s. if you enjoyed this song, I highly encourage you to check out some of their other's beautiful!
What has God been teaching you lately?