On a recent trip to Winchester, Indiana, we decided to stop at a small shop owned by an Amish family. It was my first interaction with the Amish culture so I was quite excited. We came home with many wonderful purchases [[for example, I got an Amish Home Remedies book and some root beer flavored licorice. YUM!]] However, the most notable thing that we picked up was Unker's. We got it because it claims to cure ~25 different ailments. I'm not really a fan of popping pills for each little thing that comes up, so this just seemed too good to be true.
I started using it for, literally, everything. I got a headache? Unker's. Bug bite? Unker's. Burned my arm on the iron? Unker's. [[The impressive thing about that situation was that my burn didn't even blister!]] After a couple of months of using it for anything that plagued me, I started to realize that this product is a treasure and should be shared with everyone! I started carrying my little 1 oz. tub around in my purse and anytime someone would complain of an ache or a pain, I whipped it out and offered it up. Now others have started asking me where to find it because they love this product almost as much as I do.
I seriously HIGHLY recommend that you check out their website, purchase a small tub of it and try it out. I would love to hear your experience with it if you do try it out, so make sure to come back here and leave a comment or send me an email: jspencer2303@gmail.com
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