Friday, June 14, 2013

Seeing God

As we've started walking this road called "Adoption" there have been many times that I have tried to take everything into my own hands. 

If I just hand in all of this paperwork ASAP...

If I return this email right this instant...

If I....[[fill in the blank]]

But, adoption is a very humbling process. Everything but filling out the paperwork and having my home clean and ready for the home study, is out of my control. 

I can't make a birth mom choose us.
I can't move our paperwork to top priority so that we get into the system faster.

There are just a lot of things that I can't do.

I have been witnessing God move over and over again and we're really only in the beginning phase of adoption. 

God has provided the funds we need to cover expenses.
God found us an agency that would work with us when no one else would.

He has already done so much and used our family and friends to bless us, not just financially, but also through loving support and prayer. 

Things are slowly but surely moving forward. We've (read I've) started making our adoption profiles. [[They're really just scrapbooks that the birth moms get to look through. I have to make 5 of them...]]

We've been putting off some of the paperwork for now simply because the questions are a little overwhelming...

"Where would you like your relationship with your child to be in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?"

How does one answer that question if one does not even know the gender of their child yet? Oh well...we have to answer long as it's a "healthy" answer, I don't think they care what we say...

So, quick financial update:

We are 23% of the way to our goal of $13,000! 

I don't want to keep hounding people for money [[because that's not what we're about here...]] however, we would like to invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with us in our endeavor. Even if you don't feel called to give financially, we covet your prayers. 

Here are some ways you can be praying with us:

{1} Pray for our future birth mother. She has been heavily on my heart lately. I don't even know who she is yet, but I am already feeling the burden of what she will have to go through in the future. Pray that God will continue preparing Josh and I to partner with this new family and be able to work together for the good of our child.

{2} Praise for God continuing to meet our needs financially. He is still blessing us through gifts and stories from our loved ones and we just can't say thank you enough!

One final announcement:

I would like to set a fundraising goal of 25% by the end of the weekend. And to help us reach that marker, I'm having a BOGO sale!! Everything in the shop is Buy One Get One!! No joke...

Just use the code FAYANBOGO at check out to receive your discount. 

Thanks for all of your love and support!!

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